Sunday, July 28, 2013

Hi, again!

To the Blog: I am really sorry for abandoning you for such a long time. But you know you were made out of frustration, and the things made out of frustration may not work that well but they surely are true. And honest. I really wish to keep you alive. Let’s see if I can feed you up with posts at length.

To the readers: Thank you for excusing me for that internal monologue. But that was important. Very well then, I shall write now something to get it started again. The piece that I’m presenting today doesn't really deal with Indians and particularly with The Rude Indian. It is just my thoughts running haywire.

Now close your eyes. Recline on a chair. Take a deep breath. Hold it for 10 seconds. Now exhale.

For those ten seconds now, you were just sitting there, stationary and still. The period of ten seconds felt quite small and you passed it quite comfortably. Now what if I tell you that while you held that breath, in the same ten seconds, the earth traveled a distance of roughly 300 Kilometers in space!

The idea behind telling you this is that things which are very big for you might not be of similar importance to someone else. The difference in perception is natural. But sadly people don’t realize these differences and end up losing their emotional equilibrium. They fall into ‘anger’ and thus promote unilateral vision which again strengthens their egoistic thinking. I know it’s always near impossible to understand someone else’s opinion and especially when it wholly opposes your initial understandings. But not so tough is to try; we can always try. Try to see things from a common perspective. And to see things clearly what do we do? Imagine yourself in a crowd, you want to find someone and you can’t see them. All you can see is what immediately lies in front of your eyes. So in order to see more, to see beyond what your eyes could see, you elevate yourself. Yes, you climb to a higher platform, a table or a chair so that you can have a better look. Exactly in the same way, to see beyond your current assumptions and belief you need to elevate yourself, not physically but mentally.

I know things are much easier said than done. It is not an instant process; rather it is a passive process which is instigated by the influx of knowledge and experience. The more you see, the more you feel you haven’t seen anything. The more you suffer absence, the more you appreciate the presence. So in order to elevate your mind you need to open up yourself to the world, and no longer confine yourself within the comfort of not trying to know what is unknown to you. Guilt, shame and fear—all are transient, but wisdom is eternal. So shun the hesitation and nourish the curiosity. Feel that you’re a part of a bigger world. See how earth can cover a distance that big in ten seconds and yet seem so emollient and patient—so modest.

Just try to believe that there’s more in you than being irrational and emotionally illiterate. I deem intrapersonal evaluation the best tool for it.

Since this post was just to catch up with the absenteeism, I would keep it concise. I hope you didn't have a bad time. Good-bye for now.

God bless!

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