Sunday, July 28, 2013

Hi, again!

To the Blog: I am really sorry for abandoning you for such a long time. But you know you were made out of frustration, and the things made out of frustration may not work that well but they surely are true. And honest. I really wish to keep you alive. Let’s see if I can feed you up with posts at length.

To the readers: Thank you for excusing me for that internal monologue. But that was important. Very well then, I shall write now something to get it started again. The piece that I’m presenting today doesn't really deal with Indians and particularly with The Rude Indian. It is just my thoughts running haywire.

Now close your eyes. Recline on a chair. Take a deep breath. Hold it for 10 seconds. Now exhale.

For those ten seconds now, you were just sitting there, stationary and still. The period of ten seconds felt quite small and you passed it quite comfortably. Now what if I tell you that while you held that breath, in the same ten seconds, the earth traveled a distance of roughly 300 Kilometers in space!

The idea behind telling you this is that things which are very big for you might not be of similar importance to someone else. The difference in perception is natural. But sadly people don’t realize these differences and end up losing their emotional equilibrium. They fall into ‘anger’ and thus promote unilateral vision which again strengthens their egoistic thinking. I know it’s always near impossible to understand someone else’s opinion and especially when it wholly opposes your initial understandings. But not so tough is to try; we can always try. Try to see things from a common perspective. And to see things clearly what do we do? Imagine yourself in a crowd, you want to find someone and you can’t see them. All you can see is what immediately lies in front of your eyes. So in order to see more, to see beyond what your eyes could see, you elevate yourself. Yes, you climb to a higher platform, a table or a chair so that you can have a better look. Exactly in the same way, to see beyond your current assumptions and belief you need to elevate yourself, not physically but mentally.

I know things are much easier said than done. It is not an instant process; rather it is a passive process which is instigated by the influx of knowledge and experience. The more you see, the more you feel you haven’t seen anything. The more you suffer absence, the more you appreciate the presence. So in order to elevate your mind you need to open up yourself to the world, and no longer confine yourself within the comfort of not trying to know what is unknown to you. Guilt, shame and fear—all are transient, but wisdom is eternal. So shun the hesitation and nourish the curiosity. Feel that you’re a part of a bigger world. See how earth can cover a distance that big in ten seconds and yet seem so emollient and patient—so modest.

Just try to believe that there’s more in you than being irrational and emotionally illiterate. I deem intrapersonal evaluation the best tool for it.

Since this post was just to catch up with the absenteeism, I would keep it concise. I hope you didn't have a bad time. Good-bye for now.

God bless!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Sinner Indian

The Rude Indian walks on the road. He likes his gait and is proud of every swing that he makes. He finds everyone ridiculous and their actions make him go berserk. He stares at young women and sees them like a food. He is jealous of people who are better than him and who are rich, for he yearns to be richest and wealthiest. He wants quick money, no matter if it is by fair means or not. He doesn't want to work but wants everything to be done for him, as quickly as possible. He yells at everyone. He disrespects everyone. He is greedy for everything. He even eats more. He goes to a marriage just to have a good meal. 

In the end, he’s a sore loser, for he has nothing good in him. He soon falls into oblivion, and no one remembers him when he dies, bequeathing all his aforementioned legacies to his kin.

The Rude Indian is a true sinner; and enjoys all of the Seven Deadly Sins.


The Rude Indian has everything but control over his senses.

According to The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) rape is the fastest growing crime in India, with a spike in the number of cases reported for January and February 2011. NCRB further states a total of 21,397 rape incidents were reported countrywide in 2009 and were more than 25,000 cases of kidnapping and abduction of women, besides cases of molestation which numbered more than 38,000.


The Rude Indian is a glutton.

Sales of alcohol have seen a growth rate of 8% in the past 3 years. Though government statistics show only 21% of adult men and around 2% of women drink, but up to a fifth of this group, about 14 million people, are dependent drinkers.

According to experts, the concern is that there has been a rapid change in patterns and trends of alcohol use in India. Chief among them is people are beginning to drink at ever-younger ages. The percentage of the drinking population aged less than 21 years has increased from 2% to more than 14% in the past 15 years, according to studies in the southern state of Kerala by Alcohol and Drugs Information Centre India, (an NGO). Alarmingly, the study found that the “average age of initiation” had dropped from 19 years to 13 years in the past two decades.


The Rude Indian is greedy; greediest for money.

A report published by the National Crime Records Bureau which compared crime rate from 1953 to 2006 noted that robbery has increased by 120% (from 8,407 in 1953 to 18,456 in 2006)

Apart from this The Rude Indian performs numerous other acts that show his greediness.


The Rude Indian is in spiritual or emotional apathy. He doesn’t want to work to earn. He lacks a sense of purpose or meaning in his life. He wants his needs to be satisfied but doesn’t work to get it fulfilled.
The Rude Indian shows frustration and finds quick ways to get money, like kidnapping which according to NCRB has increased by 356% (from 5,261 in 1953 to 23,991 in 2006).


The Rude Indian, neglecting his own weaknesses, shows his anger on others. Emotions are limitless and so is the case with anger.

Cases of murders, according to NCRB, have increased by 231% (from 9,803 in 1953 to 32,481 in 2006.


Envy or invidiousness is a precursor to anger. The Rude Indian envies everyone who he thinks is better than him, or the one who has something he yearns to possess. This leads to agitation and finally The Rude Indian follows illegal ways to satisfy his anger and the hatred he has towards someone for he envies them.


Almost all of you would have come across ladies who boast about their extra-intelligent children; or the men who tell awesome tales of their lives proving them as heroes; or the ignorant self-obsessed teenage ruffian who roams about fighting with everyone bragging about his power.

The sins mentioned above are mainly used in Christian culture.

In Hinduism, Arishadvarga are the six passions, negative characteristics of which prevent man from attaining moksha or salvation. They are:

·         Kama (lust)
·         Krodha (anger)
·         Lobh (greed)
·         Moha (delusion)
·         Mada or Ahankar (pride)
·         Matsarya (jealousy)

In Sikhism they are known as the Five Evils (which does not include Matsarya).

In Buddhsm, The three poisons or the three unwholesome roots refer to the three root Kleshas which are:

·         Ignorance (confusion, bewilderment, delusion)
·         Attachment (greed, desire)
·         Aversion (anger, hatred)

Islam grades sins as follows:

·         Sayyia, Khatia: mistakes (Suras 7:168; 17:31; 40:45; 47:19 48:2)
·         Itada, Junah, Dhanb: immorality (Suras 2:190,229; 17:17 33:55)
·         Haram: transgressions (Suras 5:4; 6:146)
·         Ithm, Dhulam, Fujur, Su, Fasad, Fisk, Kufr: wickedness and depravity (Suras 2:99, 205; 4:50, 112, 123, 136; 12:79; 38:62; 82:14)
·         Shirk: ascribing a partner to God (Sura 4:48)

Religions may blame the evil forces of nature for the sins we make, but the greatest of evil lies within us, and with that lies the infinite hope and mercy of God. The world is full of things good and bad; it is our duty to choose between them.

Let us hope that we spread peace in this world.


Sunday, October 2, 2011


I expose myself to the world, daily. I go out, witness the same people doing monotonous acts which they do knowingly or unknowingly. A myriad of people I see on roads, mostly of them being males, blame it on the population which expands faster than the universe and on the anti-feminist beliefs and thoughts which flourish even in the ethos of modern India. I encounter people, with souls drenched in aggression and rudeness.

There have been innumerable instances when people have started yelling and cussing at us while on the roads because of something that went against their wish. People are so biased; be it caste, sex, religion, colour or anything else. The society is highly stratified and everyone is always ready to be offended. And when they get offended, they never, ever let it go. The Rude Indian always shows aggression.

It is a common phenomenon in India to threaten others. I mean, how foolish it is. If there is a small accident, the two drivers come out and they do nothing but argue, fight, threaten, curse, use profanities. They are so much angry about something that they can actually shoot the other person if they had a gun in their hands. Further, Indians, much like the giant cells which accumulate around foreign bodies in our body, gather around the on-going argument and block the road (I wonder where they get so much free time from!). All thanks to the selfish and egocentric nature of The Rude Indian. This tests the temperament of the people waiting. The eternal honking starts, people start yelling (use of profanities is a standard feature which happens almost every time) and arguing among themselves.  There is always havoc on the streets. 

I remember, during school days, boys used to ‘fight’ over things. And I mean literally ‘fight’. They would arrange a meeting and would bring with them their companions. They first would chat, discuss the issue and then would fight. The reasons used to be very small and foolish (I wouldn’t be discussing that). I don’t know what they think, how they think. There is so much to learn, great men have passed away who told us all the things. How many of them, who feel victorious after travelling without a ticket (in a bus), know about Socrates? Have they read about the great men who had once lived in the same world? I sometime think what Aristotle thought when he said ‘All men by nature desire knowledge’, because people here don’t want to change, they don’t want to learn. They are happy with the way they are. They would fight, be un-hygienic, be unmoral, do unsocial things and still be content. No matter how much the government does for the poor, they would still curse the government for everything. A beggar wouldn’t work to earn and would curse his life but still procreate. People after hearing about the numerous road accidents still wouldn’t use the walk-over bridges and jump over the fences. And if something happens that they don’t like, they would of course argue.

In the crowd people would push you to make their way and if your hand touches theirs, they would stare at you or even can say something to you. Phrases of apology and gratitude are a myth here. If you let/offer someone else to enter a building/board a vehicle they would enter/go as if it’s their right and your duty to do so. Where has all the politeness gone?

I know most of the people here are like this, but I have faith and I know many people who still have the basic humanity in them. And I believe it is because of them that the world is not ending, because a single apology, a single smile prevents much complexity. So now, if anyone turns aggressive just give a smile as response.

God forgive us all!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

To begin with.

India is a beautiful country.

How proud is an Indian who flaunts the non-biodegradable plastic national flag on the car's dash-board which s/he buys from children who slog their days and ruin their lives to do what they oughtn't do, who live the life which they should not be living, who don't get cradles as infants but rather spend the nights with the countless destitute who roam about the roads which witness aggressive driving, road-rages, accidents and traffic jams.

How proud is an Indian man who sits on a seat that is reserved for ladies or the other who asks a lady to stand for she is sitting on an unreserved seat, the man who while chewing tobacco goes around arguing with the conductor to charge him less in an AC bus for he normally pays less in a non-AC one, the man who lacks every bit of the basic etiquette, who talks loudly in his slurred speech, with ill-sounding, harsh and wrong pronunciation, and abundant use of every kind of profanity. And the man, who shows off his obsceneness on the road, orients himself in an unmoral posture, involves himself in groping, frotteurism and stares at women and girls, harassing them and making them devoid of their freedom, safety and personal space.

And how proud is that illiterate Indian youth, who participates in every aggressive rally and anti-government protests without even knowing the cause behind it! And the person, who spits almost everywhere, and the person who urinates anywhere, and all those Indians, who blame others for their mistakes, how proud are they!

Well, every street and every corner of India is filled with these type of people and unfortunately the big cities have more of people like this. This man who shrouds the shining India under his black cloak of ignorance, the man who personifies all the evil of the society, the man who represents the deuce on Earth, is The Rude Indian.

The Rude Indian is the bad of the society.

Go out on a road, you’ll find people who bluntly refuse to help, who act as selfish as they ever can be and who try to abstain from every habit that can do good to the society. I don’t know why people are so rude out there!

Well, through this blog I would share with you whatever I feel and whatever I face in my daily life. I would tell you how rude a man can be and how unmoral and weird his actions can be. I would reveal how in the year 2011, in the capital of India, people are, still living in the past eras, with stereotypical and orthodox beliefs and practices. I would share what all unfriendly and weird things a common man does; here referred to as: The Rude Indian.

Contribution from you is always welcome; do share whatever you want to.

I being an Indian myself respect my country and love it. I would urge you all to evaluate yourself and try not being The Rude Indian.

God bless all!