Saturday, September 24, 2011

To begin with.

India is a beautiful country.

How proud is an Indian who flaunts the non-biodegradable plastic national flag on the car's dash-board which s/he buys from children who slog their days and ruin their lives to do what they oughtn't do, who live the life which they should not be living, who don't get cradles as infants but rather spend the nights with the countless destitute who roam about the roads which witness aggressive driving, road-rages, accidents and traffic jams.

How proud is an Indian man who sits on a seat that is reserved for ladies or the other who asks a lady to stand for she is sitting on an unreserved seat, the man who while chewing tobacco goes around arguing with the conductor to charge him less in an AC bus for he normally pays less in a non-AC one, the man who lacks every bit of the basic etiquette, who talks loudly in his slurred speech, with ill-sounding, harsh and wrong pronunciation, and abundant use of every kind of profanity. And the man, who shows off his obsceneness on the road, orients himself in an unmoral posture, involves himself in groping, frotteurism and stares at women and girls, harassing them and making them devoid of their freedom, safety and personal space.

And how proud is that illiterate Indian youth, who participates in every aggressive rally and anti-government protests without even knowing the cause behind it! And the person, who spits almost everywhere, and the person who urinates anywhere, and all those Indians, who blame others for their mistakes, how proud are they!

Well, every street and every corner of India is filled with these type of people and unfortunately the big cities have more of people like this. This man who shrouds the shining India under his black cloak of ignorance, the man who personifies all the evil of the society, the man who represents the deuce on Earth, is The Rude Indian.

The Rude Indian is the bad of the society.

Go out on a road, you’ll find people who bluntly refuse to help, who act as selfish as they ever can be and who try to abstain from every habit that can do good to the society. I don’t know why people are so rude out there!

Well, through this blog I would share with you whatever I feel and whatever I face in my daily life. I would tell you how rude a man can be and how unmoral and weird his actions can be. I would reveal how in the year 2011, in the capital of India, people are, still living in the past eras, with stereotypical and orthodox beliefs and practices. I would share what all unfriendly and weird things a common man does; here referred to as: The Rude Indian.

Contribution from you is always welcome; do share whatever you want to.

I being an Indian myself respect my country and love it. I would urge you all to evaluate yourself and try not being The Rude Indian.

God bless all!